I haven’t had any problems getting sso to work with 2.6.3. If its working with 2.5.8, then you should be good with 2.6.3. What version of java are using? Also, are you using DNS for kerberos lookup or a krb5.ini file?
Have you tried the latest SVN version build? Also, when you try latest builds, make sure Java 6 is not installed on your system, because Spark wil lstill use that, even if it has Java 7 bundled.
12555 is not an indication, all automatic builds starting from 2.6.3 Final are showing it, the number has to be changed manually in the source for the new final release (609 in my link is more of the indication, it’s the latest build). So, maybe it’s a minor possibility, but you can still try this build from my link, unless you already using it (609). It should use Java 7 as i think 2.6.3 final wasn’t able to use Java 7 correctly. Maybe it is not Java, but i wan’t to clear this out.
are you sure SSO is working correctly with 2.5.8 and its not using saved creditials? To test, delete your spark.proporties file for 2.5.0 and launch spark trying to use SSO. If sso is working for 2.5.8, then it should be working…so I have a feeling that SSO may not really be working.
SSO is working correctly. For example I can login to the PC with AD user account wich have never logged in to this PC before.
2.5.8 SSO works.
2.6.x - don’t.
By the way, I’ve foundthis topic:
So, I think the real problem is in smack.jar
I don’t have enough skills in Java to check it directly.
It wold be great, if someone experienced checked up the difference between SASLAuthentication.java in smack.jar from Spark 2.6.3 and the same class in Spark 2.5.8