Spark and ChatSecure

Good afternoon guys,

I have a problem where I have computers on my internal network use the Spark client

and use external tables Chatsecure, both are working perfectly but the question is as follows

when sending a message to a User of this logged in the internal and external tablet computer logged in, he gets the message on the tablet and also not getting on the computer.

Would receive the two connections, “and computer tablet”?

Has anyone had this problem?

someone here has had this problem. receiving the mesnsagem on a mobile device “chatsecure” and be connecting at the same time on a Desktop “spark” and not get the message on the computer. I would be getting the message in both places.

Anyone know how to do this?

Resolvido, consegui entender assim no spark

quando o status esta

online - assumi prioridade 1

ausente- assumi prioridade 0

e por padrao se nao houver atividade no computador apos 15 minutos o spark entra em ausente

agora no Chatsecure “android no Tablet” por padrao

online - assumi prioridade 20

ausente- assumi prioridade 1

agora se for observar e deixar o tablet em ausente “prioridade 1” e deixar o spark em online “prioridade 1”

quem, recebe a mensagem é o computador nao o tablet.

pra mim estas informaçoes que chat do openfire me apresentou, sanou minhas duvidas.