Spark Crashing computer!

I have had spark crash my computer several different times. I have been doing different things each time, doing a file transfer, changing my status, etc. Any suggestions on what may be conflicting? I do have a personal version of SQL Server running on my box for testing. Could this be the issue?

Crash your computer? Do you mean a “blue-screen”? Or is it taking up a lot of CPU during File Transfer?

Getting the blue screen!

Hi John,

I’‘ve been getting BSDs as well (maybe it’'s the altitude ), mainly “irq not less or equal” errors. Are you seeing something similar?



I think so. My good ''ol Microsoft Blue Screen is saying “Starting Physical Memory dump”.

Which version of Spark are you running with? U2 Ryan?


Spark 1.0.3

And OS?

Win XP Pro.

Spark 1.0.3 / XP Pro SP2

One of my coworkers who has the same configuration has also seen BSDs since installing Spark.

My XP is SP2 as well

I know how frustrating trying to track down these sorts of issues can be.

If fit helps, the last two crashes happened while my mouse was hovering over my list of contacts and occured before the detailed contact tooltip appeared.

Hope that helps,


My last 2 crashes have happened when i was:

  1. As soon as i clicked the File Transfer button it bombed.

2)As soon as i clicked to change my status back from Away it bombed.

Are you using the JRE or NON-JRE version? If JRE, try downloading the NON-JRE Version. Also, is there any information in the error and warning logs in the logs directory of Spark?

I didn’‘t have any info in the warnings or error logs pretaining to the crash. There was some about the failure to connect to the server. Following the crash today, Spark didn’'t connect to the server on the first try. I had to re-loggin, but at that point it did connect.

But again, no info about the crash.


I don’'t like the idea that Spark can crash a computer. It is run inside a (java) virtual machine, so one would have to blame SUN for their product.

Imho JiveSoftware or SUN products are not the reason for the crashes, even if they trigger them. Maybe some of your memory or your hard disc has defects. Or even your graphics card or any other driver could have a bug.

Lucky as you both are Derek did not offer you to try the Webstart version, but I think also there you will get BSD’'s.

It would be interesting to know the reason for the BSD’'s, is it always the same?


The message on the BSD is always the same, the function i am doing in Spark that causes the crash is always different. As far as having bad memory or hard disk, it would seem if that was the case that the crashes would show during other applications. I do a lot of video editing on this machine, so i use my memory a lot. I haven’'t had the crash expect for performing actions in Spark.

Are you using the JRE or NON-JRE version? If JRE, try

downloading the NON-JRE Version.

I’'m using the non-JRE version with my own installation of 1.5.0_06.

Also, is there any information in the error and warning logs

in the logs directory of Spark?

No, unfortunately not.

i was using the JRE version. So it looks like that wasn’'t the issue.

Hi, contains a long discussion about problems and workarounds. I hope that the information there is useful.