Spark incremental Search

Hey Guys,

I’m pretty new within the OS Openfire and Spark scene, and happily experimenting now. One thing i’m trying to figure out if Spark can be configured to behave exactly the same as the Pandion incremental search functionality.

I regard that incremental search as being much much more user friendly then going through another dialog box.

Is that somehow possible, incremental search like Pandion has?

With kind regards,


You should describe how this “incremental” search works as not everyone here has experience with other clients. Personally i don’t remember anything like this when i was trying Pandion.

Anyway, anything is possible, but only if someone steps in and provides a patch. We don’t have full time developers here.


Pandion and Jitsi both have a search box at the top, which enables incremental search. Incremental search means that if you type (for example) ‘Jo’, everything appears with the letters ‘Jo’ in it, so ‘John’, ‘Johnatan’ would both appear, the rest is al hidden.

Another example, when i type ‘ta’ everything with those letters appear, so ‘Tamara’, ‘Tammy’, ‘Tamika’ would all appear, and the rest is hidden from sight.

Jitsi goes even one step further then that, and is able to also search other directories, such as your own Outlook contacts for example.

With regards,


Do you mean searching in your roster or for a new contact on a server? In the first case press Ctrl-F in Spark and start typing, it will work similarly. Works both in the roster window and in the chat window. Searching for a new contact is only through a dialog which is accessible when you enter something in the search box under the roster and press enter.