Spark/Openfire can not see users from other child domains

i am totally new to Open fire and Spark. Our former intern has the idea to setup Open fire and spark for an internal IM system (he graduated and is currently back packing in Europe (Lucky Him). It works perfectly for each side to talk to users at the one site but we can not add people from the different sites. The settings on the server is open to connect to any other domains. We have pulled our names from their respective AD so the users are fine. Our other sites are child domains of us and have a open network between them so they physically can see them at all times.

Our 1st site lets call its A and Open fire is installed on ServerA

Our 2nd site lets call it B and Openfire is installed on ServerB

I go to add a firend . I dont know if there is something I am missing or maybe I am just really dumb, any help would be so appreciated. thanks in advanced.


Do you have your DNS service headers set up for both domains? you need entries for xppm-client and xmpp-server on each dns domain pointing to their respective servers. That’s how the servers can find each other.