Spark plugins and webstart

Is it possible to run the plugins when running spark using webstart.

I copied the translator sub directory to the webserver


and added all the jar files to the jnlp file, but the translator function does not show up.

Is this possible?

Hi Ollyando,

It is not possible to run the plugins with a web start application by default due to a classloader issue with web start. HOWEVER, try and add the translator.jar to your jnlp to be auto-added to your classpath, and still keep translator.jar in the plugins directory as well. This may work (actually, it very well may work).



well it’'s quite strange.

i added the following to my jnlp file and it didn’'t show the plugin.

So i clicked the plugin menu option and installed it.

It worked.

But not on other clients who can’'t access the internet.

I will delete my local jar files and try and see what is happening.

ollyando wrote:

well it’'s quite strange.

i added the following to my jnlp file and it didn’'t show the plugin.

So i clicked the plugin menu option and installed it.

It worked.

But not on other clients who can’'t access the internet.

I will delete my local jar files and try and see what is happening.

Hi Orlando,

I have the same problem that Spark didn’t show the plugin (e.g. spell check) using webstart. I have included all the plugin jars (e.g. spelling-plugin.jar) in the web server and include the jar in the jnlp file. Do you have any idea how to fix it? Thanks in advance for your help.

For your reference, my JNLP file is as follows

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- JNLP File -->
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="<my server codebase>" href="spark_2.5.8.jnlp">
          <title>Spark 2.5.8</title>
          <vendor>Jive Software</vendor>
          <description>Spark Instant Messenger</description>
          <description kind="short">Spark 2.5.8 IM Client</description>
          <j2se version="1.6+" href=""/>
          <jar href="lib/activation.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/asterisk-im-client.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/base.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/dom4j.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/i4jruntime.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/spark.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/smack.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/smackx.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/smackx-debug.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/startup.jar" main="true"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/swingx.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/synthetica.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/syntheticaBlueMoon.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/systeminfo.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/xpp.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="lib/xstream.jar"></jar>
                    <jar href="plugins/fastpath.jar"></jar>               <jar href="plugins/jingle.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="plugins/jniwrapper.jar"></jar>
          <jar href="plugins/spelling-plugin.jar"></jar>
                    <jar href="lib/windows/jdic.jar"></jar>
                    <nativelib href="lib/windows/jdic-native.jar"></nativelib>
          <nativelib href="resources/jni-native.jar"></nativelib>
     <application-desc main-class="org.jivesoftware.launcher.Startup"></application-desc>

I figured that if I use the normal way to start Spark (i.e. Using the Spark.exe) file, a couples of files such as those plugin jars will be copied to my windows profile directory (i.e. C:\Documents and Settings{proifle name}\Spark). When I delete those files and use webstart to launch, all plugin jars and emotions icons are missing and Spark will behave abnormally. I wonder how we can copy and extracted those jars using webstart similar to the normal way to start Spark, any ideas?
