Spark Source - Plugin not showing


I’m currently branding spark which is going fine, except only the following plugins are showing when I test my build:

Spellcheck & Roar - installed

In my spark/src/plugins folders I have many others that aren’t showing up.

Any ideas? thanks a million



DEFAULT_LOOK_AND_FEEL = com.jtattoo.plaf.luna.LunaLookAndFeel

I want this to be “Windows Classic” what do I enter here above? Thanks

Ok after doing a lot of reading I have the plugin working…but would love to know what I did wrong.

I copied the flashing.jar file from a normal spark install (non source) location spark\plugins\flashing.jar

And I put it in my source build at trunk\src\commercial

So now that it’s working I just want to know, why wasn’t the jar file there originally?
