Spark to Spark, audio chat via Openfire Media service , please HELP

Hello !

We are running openfire on a server behind a PF sense Firewall. Server IP is192.168.1.92 . We have created a port forward so that we can connect to this server from the outside. I have opened the following port for outside traffic

TCP 5222

TCP 7777

TCP 3478, 3479

UDP 10000-20000

Chat works perfect, Filetransfer also works very fine.

But Voice calls only works locally in our building. When we try to connect we get an error message that it is impossible to negociate connection, probably because firewall. What have we done wrong???

We really need the outer world voice function to work.

Internal users connect to

External users connect

Connects works fine, if an internal users try to connect to the public IP or the domain name he will be disconnected after about 40 seconds of inactivity so thats why users internally connects to the local adress.

So how do we do to get the Voice working externally, as both chat and File transfer (via port 7777) works voice should work as well.


Best regards
