Spark User Display Name

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone can assist me.

Openfire 3.3.0 with AD authentication integration

Spark 2.5.7

My issue is that when I add users to my contact list, it always display their username. Is there anyway I can set it up in Spark or Openfire where I don’t have to change it and it’ll automatically display their Display Name or the Nickname from AD.

Thanks in advanced!



Not sure about 3.3.0 but it works like you are wanting with my 3.3.2 installation. It may be a ldap mapping issue, here is the ldap portion of my openfire.xml.




<baseDN>OU=User Accounts,DC=Domain,DC=local</baseDN>

<adminDN>CN=xxxxxxx,OU=xxxxxxx,OU=xxxxxxxx,DC=Domain,DC=local</adminDN >









<vCard xmlns=“vcard-temp”>













</ADR> <ADR>










</TEL> <TEL>
</TEL> <TEL>

























This is my vcard section info. It fixes some mapping issues the openfire server creates. I altered the section in bold. The rest that bf2007 sent is correct for AD. You can also automatically populate your roster by configuring various settings and/or sharing groups.


<vCard xmlns=“vcard-temp”>



  • </N>*










</ADR> <ADR>










</TEL> <TEL>
</TEL> <TEL>



















Sounds good. I will give that a try and update. Thanks!

I was able to use Roster in Openfire 3.4.1 to specify a nickname and be displayed on everyone’s Spark.

Thanks for everyone’s help!

