SparkWeb Demo

I have been trying to access the SparkWeb Demo program at I cannot find any way to log in. Trying to create an account always returns an “Unable to create account” message. I would like to look at the demo before going through the trouble of setting it up on my local system. How can I get in?



I dont remember this demo to be actually working :slight_smile: Maybe it’s better to actually install it on your server and to test it for real. This can also show some other problems which you can face, but won’t see that in a demo. So, i can only give you an install how-to: And you can also read Dele’s blogposts and see some screens

i think the spark demo basically just showing the login in screen, but i believe you will have no problem installing it to your system… good luck…

Really funy demo

To see login page. Maybe better to leave just that big orange buttom “Try live”. It should be enough to get feeling about product.