SparkWeb + Openfire one server


Can Openfire and SparkWeb exist in the same server?

The OS is Suse 9 enterprise edition

What additional software is necessary?

Thank you vey much.

Can Openfire and SparkWeb exist in the same server?


Openfire is xmpp server, his port is 9090 and 9091 …

SparkWeb is web-based xmpp client, u can run it on any server.

beteween them, communicate by soket or http.

What additional software is necessary?

SparkWeb is web-based xmpp client, u can run it on any server.

We need the server, apache+php or resin or tomcat or…

Openfire need jdk.

Yes you can. SparkWeb is simply a web based client based on flash and jsp. The only requirements you need for SparkWeb is a web server such as Apache or IIS. There is no need for tomcat or resin. Those are only needed to run the Fastpath webchat and Fastpath server.

Openfire could be used like a WebServer itself, just copy the sparkweb directory inside the openfire\plugins\admin\webapp directory, and then you could use Webchat from the administration port of Openfire(9090 by default). Just use http://OpenfireServerip:9090/sparkweb/SparkWeb.html, no Apache or IIS needed…

