Statistics error

When I click onto… Server—>Statistics I get this error…

PeriodicalExecuter.prototype.registerCallback = function() {
this.intervalID = setInterval(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this),
this.frequency * 1000);
PeriodicalExecuter.prototype.stop = function() {
window.onerror = handleError;
function handleError() { // swallow errors: probably caused by the
server being down
var peStats = new PeriodicalExecuter(statsUpdater, 30);
var currentTimePeriod = ‘last24hours’;
function statsUpdater() { try {
Stats.getUpdatedStats(currentTimePeriod, updateStats); } catch(err) {
// swallow errors }
function changeTimePeriod(period) { if (currentTimePeriod != period) {
$(currentTimePeriod).className = ‘’; $(period).className =
‘timeControl’; currentTimePeriod = period;
Stats.getUpdatedStats(currentTimePeriod, updateStats); }
function updateStats(stats) { for (var stat in stats) {
updateTable(stat, stats[stat]); if (stat == ‘conversations’ || stat ==
‘packet_count’ || stat == ‘sessions’) { updateGraph(‘sparklines-’ +
stat, ‘stat=’ + stat + ‘&sparkline=true’); } else {
updateGraph(‘sparklines-’ + stat, ‘stat=’ + stat +
’&sparkline=true&color=dark’); } }
function updateTable(id, data) { $(id + ‘.low’).innerHTML = data.low;
$(id + ‘.high’).innerHTML = data.high; if ($(id + ‘.count’) !=
undefined) { $(id + ‘.count’).innerHTML = data.count; }
function updateGraph(graphid, graphkey) { var d = new Date(); var t =
d.getTime() $(graphid).src = ‘graph?’ + graphkey + ‘&t=’ + t +
"&timeperiod=" + currentTimePeriod + “&format=png”; statParam =
graphkey.split(’&’); statName = statParam[0].split(’=’); if
(isSnapshotDetailVisible && currentSnapshot == statName[1]) {
viewElement = $(‘snapshot-detail-image’); viewElement.src =
‘graph?stat=’ + statName[1] + ‘&t=’ + t + ‘&timeperiod=’ +
currentTimePeriod + ‘&width=700&height=250&format=png’ }
var lastConversationID = 0;
var getConversationsDelay = 10000;
var insertConversationsDelay = 2000;
var peGetConversations;
var peInsertConversations;
var conversations = new Array();
function startupConversations() { conversationUpdater();
peGetConversations = new PeriodicalExecuter(conversationUpdater,
function conversationUpdater() { Stats.getNLatestConversations(6,
lastConversationID, updateConversations);
function updateConversations(data) { // list of map objects with users,
lastactivity, messages keys if (data.length > 0) { for (var i=0; i 0 && Math.round(getConversationsDelay/(data.length)) > 2000) {
insertConversationsDelay = Math.round(10000/(data.length));
} else {
insertConversationsDelay = 2000;
if (peInsertConversations) {
peInsertConversations = new PeriodicalExecuter(insertConversation, insertConversationsDelay/1000);
function insertConversation() {
if (conversations.length > 0) {
if ($(‘conversations-scroller-none’) != undefined) {
var conversation = conversations.shift();
convTableID = ‘conversations-scroller’;
var tbody = $(convTableID);
var rows = tbody.getElementsByTagName(“div”);
for (var i = rows.length-1; i > 0; i–) {
rows[i].innerHTML = rows[i-1].innerHTML;
newRow = document.createElement(“div”);
newRow.setAttribute(“class”, “conversation”);
newRow.setAttribute(‘conversationid’, conversation.conversationid);
users = conversation.users;
userString = ‘’;
for (i=0; i
newRowHTML =
’’ +
’’ +
’’ +
’’ +
’’ +
’’ +
’’ +
’’ +
’||’ +
userString +
’|’ +
conversation.lastactivity +
’||’ + conversation.messages + '|

newRow.innerHTML = newRowHTML;
if (!isIE()) {
rows[0].style.display = ‘none’;
rows[0].innerHTML = newRow.innerHTML;
new Effect.Appear(rows[0]);
} else {
rows[0].innerHTML = newRow.innerHTML;
function isIE() {
return navigator.appName.indexOf(‘Microsoft’) != -1;
var isSnapshotDetailVisible = false;
var currentSnapshot = ‘’;
function displaySnapshotDetail(snapshot) {
if (!isSnapshotDetailVisible) {
$(‘snapshot-detail-image’).src = ‘graph?stat=’ + s

Did it ever work? You coould try the manual removal of the plugin and then reinstall it. To do a manual removal you need to:

I’m not seeing that this is a plugin? I thought it was part of the base install

The statistics menu is added by the monitoring plugin.