Support and Professional Services

We are currently looking at a rollout of around 10,000 users in an enterprise. We are currently looking for a couple of features to be added to spark and integrated into the release cycle. We are willing to sponcer the development, but need some assistance navigating through this with the development community.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

I’ve probably answered most of this in your previous thread. As about sponsoring. Maybe you should talk directly with Jive, as they are paying for servers hosting this site, svn, bug tracker and release production. Everyone who is doing some development on Spark already has their jobs and i don’t think sponsoring will help here. Unless you will find a full-time developer and pay him a fee Also, can you tell what features do you want to be added to Spark?

Most of the features are just small usability things. We are in the process of documenting the features / changes. One example is a search to add users to group chat, this is currently limited to users in the roster.