Text to Link Conversion Macros Within Clearspace

This document should be moved into the Lounge but there I can not create documents.

One of the developers did post this useful information in the jivesoftware.com forum:

The following macros are available that do text to link conversion:

Blog: {blog:id=1032}
Blog post: {blogpost:id=1420}
Space: {community:id=2007}
Thread: {thread:id=1921}
Message: {message:id=3311}
Document: {document:id=2135}
User profile: {user:id=1}
User profile: {user:username=user}

Also, you can make a link to a document that doesn’t exist by using the link syntax:

[Create Me]

So if you insert " Server To Server HowTo’s " it will look like this: Server To Server HowTo’s

More help about the wiki markup may be found in http://clearspace.jivesoftware.com/markuphelpfull.jspa, this link should be always available in the “Plain Text” editor.

Hi LG,

Do you mean to create a doc like http://clearspace.jivesoftware.com/markuphelpfull.jspa ?

Not really, quite interesting that there is such a page but I was more interested in these special links, like @Aznidin - not sure if this work also in comments. But I’ll add the URL to the document in case that something changes.