The openfire will drop the client session if we login again with the same usr pwd and resource

I use the smack to connect and login .then I use the second app to conn and login the same usr /pwd and resource. the server will drop the first.but the second right session will be dropped in 10 minutes.I test in 4.3.2 version (of)

u have to configure it under resources policy .
to enable multiple login , it has to be diff name .
you can configure it to kick or allow , when the resources conflict

I config kick the the session to let the later app can login, because If I config other. when the conn disconn abnormal. I can not login immediately . How can I do

I config kick the the session to let the later app can login, because If I config other. when the conn disconn abnormal. I can not login immediately . How can I do?

just change other resources name , u should be able to login immediately

I think the server should not kick the second session . if the resouce confict. the first will be kick off ,and the second should keep along .

yes. if same resources are use , the latest login will be keep . the earlier logon will be kicked

but in fact, the second session will be kick off without any reason in less than 10 min

i believe your initial first logon that being kicked out try to login back .

I just use the smack ReconnectionManager to reconn, and I do nothing in connectionClosedOnError. the program that the first session have exit abnormal.

and the second session will be kicked off in 10 min. I guess the code logic have some wrong.

you can test with the same usr pwd and resource. then the second session will be kicked off withiout any reason. if you can read the server code. you can check .thanks a lot.

i dont have smack , i tried spark . not facing the problem which u like you explain .