The user has logged Spark, but other users can not see the name of the user online

Hello Everyone :

I do not know if someone has the same problem:
Now there are two users, if one is A, one is B.
B the already login Spark, while A later sign in Spark. But B and A reaction did not see in the A Spark online.

Will this situation how to handle it?



Hi check if status in SPARK is set to ONLINE. you can’t see if it’s offline unless you enable “show offline users”

Hi , Hiper:

User status is to use the “online”, but other users can not see the name of the user is still online.

what do you see when you enable “show offline users”? check your firewall also.

A firewall is a privileged opening of Spark.
Whether to keep the response time line have to do with it? If you set a shorter response time, the faster the display user login Spark. But I do not know where Openfire of this set.

i just did this;

  1. create groups and add users to the each group

  2. share the group so they would see each other

  3. or just add a contact and it will go to the Friends Group (sort of a default group name when there’s no custom group created)