TLS Encryption?

Is TLS encryption support in version 2.2 for s2s communication?




No, TLS for s2s is not supported in 2.2.0. TLS support is being actively worked on, however.



No, TLS for s2s is not supported in 2.2.0. TLS

support is being actively worked on, however.

Good question! And very timely for me. I’'m just getting started with an XMPP project. Upon reading RFC 3920, it appears that XMPP, but not Jabber, uses TLS over the standard 5222 and 5269 ports, whereas Jabber used SSL on 5223 and 5270. Is that correct?

Jive Messenger still offers 5223 as the secure port and doesn’'t appear to offer secured server-to-server communication at all. In this regard then, would it be correct to say that Jive Messenger is more of a Jabber server rather than an XMPP 1.0 compliant server?

I will be needing SSL/TLS encryption. Is there any time frame in which TLS might appear in Jive Messenger?

If not really soon, what other XMPP servers might there be that would support TLS on 5222 and 5260 as defined in RFC 3920?



Check out: support.html

It details where we do and don’'t have full support for XMPP 1.0. Chen, Hao has been working on TLS and SASL support as a Google Summer of Code project. The work is nearing completion so should be rolled into a release soon.

