Unable to authenticate in admin console with custom database

So i installed the latest version of openfire and everything seems to have worked fine. I now need to integrate openfire with my current database of users.

If have a client table and a client details table 1-1 relationship.

The problem i’m having is firstly i cannot log into administrator account anymore.

I add this like documentation says

joe, jane

but when i try to log into console on port 9090, it converts that to simply

not sure why it disappears. also i am not sure if it actually is connecting to my database as my logs are showing nothing in the logs directory.

Can anyone help please !

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>





instead of xml file use ofProperty table

follow my earlier discussions and you will find the answer on how to do it

I’m new to these boards so i’m not sure what discussions you are referring to? Thank you