Unable to share screen with ofmeet plugin


i have upgraded openfire to 3.10 recently and my main intention for upgrade was to get benifit of ofmeet plugin for screen sharing which only works with Openfire 3.10 version. After upgrade I installed ofmeet and fast path service plugins and openfire meetings extension for google chrome browser.

When I access ofmeet URL and create new room https://my-server:7443/ofmeet/?r=Room it shows me all menu options but when I click on Share button it doesn’t create share link and the window halts at message **“Your conference is currently being created.” **I have attached a screen shot of my message (Error.jpg).

Can you please suggest a solution if you have experienced same issue? Or direct me the relevant people or group?

Same thing here too. I create a meeting by going to https://myserveraddress:7443/ofmeet/ then I go to my openfire server and click on meetings and there a zero meetings listed.

Look at your logs (openfire and chrome) for errors or useful/helpful messages

Hi Dele,

I didn’t find anything under google chrome but I could see below error information under openfire logs.

2015.04.29 13:19:55 org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginManager - Error loading plugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Openfire\plugins\webchat

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/mortbay/jetty/servlet/Context

at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)

at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)

at org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginManager.loadPlugin(PluginManager.java :414)

at org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginManager.access$300(PluginManager.java :76)

at org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginManager$PluginMonitor.run(PluginManag er.java:1068)

at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)

at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(Unknown Source)

at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301 (Unknown Source)

at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(Unknow n Source)

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Context

at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

… 14 more

remove the webchat plugin. it is incompatible with openfire 3.10

I removed webchat plugin but still issue persist. Ofmeet is not creating conference URL and it halts there.

please confirm if a multi-user chat room called “Room” is created. Also confirm how many users are in the room and if a user called “focus” is created and automatically added to the room from the openfire admin web pages

Same issue here with meetings created from https://myserveraddress:7443/ofmeet/. Chat is created but no meeting. Sharing button says “Your conference is currently being created.” Chat contains a single user (me), no focus user is added.

If I start a conference from my default candy chat “lobby” however, a conference is created. The lobby chat has the focus user added to it.

Hi Dele,

I already had myroom created under web admin console but i deleted that and created new Room configured it to have owner, administrator and members. I can see new room under spark when I join conference and I can enter into the room from Spark but when I click on openfire meetings button I face same problem that the screen stuck at creating conference dialogue box. I also see errors under stderr log file under openfire/logs folder. Can this be the issue with open fire meetings plugin of google chrome?

Hi Dele,

I see below error under stderr file inside logs folder.

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: Successfully started LibJitsi using as implementation:

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: Successfully started LibJitsi using as implementation:


May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: java.vendor=Oracle Corporation

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: org.jitsi.videobridge.MEDIA_RECORDING_TOKEN=secret

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: sun.management.compiler=HotSpot Client Compiler

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: exe4j.isInstall4j=true

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.transform.srtp.SRTPCryptoContext.checkReplay=false

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: os.name=Windows Server 2012

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: sun.boot.class.path=c:\program files (x86)\openfire\jre\lib\resources.jar;c:\program files (x86)\openfire\jre\lib\rt.jar;c:\program files (x86)\openfire\jre\lib

\sunrsasign.jar;c:\program files (x86)\openfire\jre\lib\jsse.jar;c:\program files (x86)\openfire\jre\lib\jce.jar;c:\program files (x86)\openfire\jre\lib\charsets.jar;c:

\program files (x86)\openfire\jre\lib\jfr.jar;c:\program files (x86)\openfire\jre\classes

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: install4j.launcherId=2

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: sun.desktop=windows

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: java.vm.specification.vendor=Oracle Corporation

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: install4j.appDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Openfire\

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: java.runtime.version=1.7.0_55-b13

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: user.name=my-server$

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: user.language=en

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.transform.csrc.SsrcTransformEngine.dropMutedAudioSource InReverseTransform=true

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: sun.boot.library.path=c:\program files (x86)\openfire\jre\bin

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: net.java.sip.communicator.service.media.MIN_PORT_NUMBER=5000

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: org.jitsi.videobridge.MEDIA_RECORDING_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Openfire\plugins\ofmeet\recordings

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: java.version=1.7.0_55

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: exe4j.isService=true

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: user.timezone=Asia/Singapore

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

INFO: sun.arch.data.model=32

May 06, 2015 2:15:13 PM org.jitsi.util.Logger info

no errors, just info messages

Just noticed that meetings seem to create for me if their name is all lowercase. As soon as I use mixed case in the name I get the “Your conference is currently being created.” problem.

how about _ - . ?

I tried all lower case but no luck.

Yes still seems to work for me with _ and -.

Did you update openfire ofmeet plugin to 0.1.7 ?(0.1.8 updated 2015.5.20,i will try to update today)

The latest Chrome + openfire meetings for chrome 0.0.5.

“Register web+meet” is not work for me too, I click “Don’t show this page next time I enter”, so it can create a temp meet root such as fjh148xqconkpb7 when i loged on https://my-server:7443/ofmeet .

And if my user want a settled room, i will create one on the admin web page: Server–Server Manager–Client Management–Group Chat Bookmarks for those who want to join this room.

BTW, if your site use self-signedcertificates, I suggest you export the root ca and import it to " Trusted Root Certification Authorities " for all users.

Because I tried this"Openfire: SSL Guide " to use a certificate authority (CA) certify the SSL server certificate, but failed.

You can always use

https://my-server:7443/ofmeet/?r=xxxxxx to go directly to your conference in room xxxxxxx. A temp room is created if room does not exist.

The web+meet registration allows you go directly by using web+meet:xxxxxxx

The best option is to use the client control plugin to create room bookmarks which will give you a pulldown list. You also need it for the calendar feature which will auto send email reminders 15 mins before meeting starts.

I have used https://my-server:7443/ofmeet/?r=xxxxxx to create temp room but it always stucks at the point when I click on Share. It never created meeting URL for me. I also don’t have Web+meet plugin installed.


i have also same problem, i have already created one room name :- VC when i open url https://my server name:7443/ofmeet then its open properly then i add Name VC , then its open my cam but when i try to Invite Other then its showing " Your Conference is currently being created " so i cannot ad any participant in that room for Meeting . also there is one error showing have share one Screen shot pls chk . “error:- ofmeet-focus my server name not available”

Did you have the user named focus? if not, create one.

If you use ldap as mine, just create user named “focus” in the AD, and don’t forget to config admin web page “Meetings–Meetings Settings–Focus JID & Focus Password”, focus should be a JID such as focus@YourOpenfireServer.com