Upgrade instructions

What are the instructions for upgrading openfire for minor upgrades, like from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3? I need to plan this out to cause the least amount of downtime for our IM system in our company.

I’m running openfire on linux (debian) using the tar.gz package and mysql with AD integration.

Thanks in advance.


usually you install the new version over the old one while Openfire is not running, it will update the database during startup if needed. One should of course backup everything before doing this, especially conf/openfire.xml. I did create Linux Installation Guide some time ago but I guess that you know what you are doing as you are using Debian.


Thanks. If I install over top the existing, won’t this blow away my config file, etc? What would I have to bring in from my backup to restore the service back to my config I had before the upgrade?


the only file which stores configuration settings is conf/openfire.xml. There are also the certificates in resources/security. Everything else will not be changed after installation.

As the whole Openfire directory is quite small (16-64 MB, depending on the installed plugins and the amount of log files) one can “backup” it very easy with tar to have a copy in the case one wants to use the previous version.