Upgrading from 3.6.4 to 3.7.0

Hello everyone,

I’ve been assigned the task of upgrading our 3.6.4 openfire server to 3.7.0 (Windows). Having just recently obtained this position - I have no prior experience with openfire.

My question is basically - will updating keep all the old settings/plugins or do I have to reconfigure the entire server or anything for that matter.

We use Pidgin as the client, an SQL server as the database (I do not know the password of the current user - will I need this during the upgrade?), and we have about 50 users total.

The plugins we use are: Broadcast, IM Gateway, Monitoring Service, and Search.

If you need any additional information just ask - I’m hoping to find out if this will be as easy as running the setup.exe program or if I need more preparation.


  • Mike

Technically you will be grand and there will be no need for any user/password during installation/upgrade. And from the set of plugins you have listed there is nothing I know about which is not functional after upgrade from 3.6.4 to 3.7.0 but things may happened

Credentials for DB you can find in C:\Program Files\Openfire\conf\openfire.xml

The upgrade it easy. See the documentation for upgrading. It kept all my settings when I did it and took about 10 minutes

You should be fine, although I can’t guarantee all plugins being fully functional. The best advice that I can give you: backup, backup, backup. Try restoring your backup (to a different host) to make sure you can revert if thing do go wrong.

Tengo instalado openfire en centos 5.5 cuando vi la nueva version segui los siguienntes pasos

  1. descargue openfire-3.7.0-1.i386.rpm

  2. Detuve el servico /etc/ini.d/openfire stop

  3. rpm -Uvh openfire-3.7.0-1.i386.rpm

4.realice la instalacion indicando el mombre del host y la base de datos con usuario y contraseña sin que me reportara ningun error.

Luego de seguir estos pasos intente ingresar a la consola de administracion pero no me permite hacerlo, me aparece como si estuviera intentado ingresar a un sitio que no existe.

Tambien a pesar de que el servicio inicia sin ningun problema, no me permite ingresar al Spark.

Agredezco cualquier ayuda

realice nuevamente los pasos del 1 al 4, y al intentar entrar en la consola me dice:

Error al ingresar: asegúrese de que su nombre de usuario y contraseña son correctos y de que es un administrador o un moderador.

desde el Spark ya me puedo conectar pero no veo ningun contacto conectado, a pesar de que ellos en realidad lo estan y los demas usuarios tiene el mismo inconveniente, no ven a sus contactos conectados.


Thank you everyone - I have successfully upgraded Openfire. The IM Gateway Plugin did not work, but I see it’s been replaced with a different plugin. I’m not sure if we even need it anymore so I’m just leaving it uninstalled for now. Other than that I had no problems.