Upgrading Openfire to version 3

Hi, when I lunch Openfire 3.4.0 Beta 1, I have this problem:

Found old database version 2 for instantFeed. Upgrading to version 3…

instantfeeds - Database update failed. Please manually upgrade your database.

How to solve this problem? Thanks

It means you need to compare your database to the scripts coming with OpenFire and make the appropriate changes yourself.

How can I do it?

Hey costantino,

The one that is having trouble updating your DB is the instantFeeds plugin. Try executing the DB script located in [openfire home]/plugins/instantfeeds/database.


– Gato

I get nearly the same with Openfire 3.4 and instantFeeds 1.0.5.

It says “Found old database version 2 for instantFeed. Upgrading to version 3…” in the info log, but never says it suceeds and does it on each restart of the server.

In ./openfire/plugins/instantfeeds/database/upgrade/3/ I have a file “instantFeed_hsqldb.sql” which should be the one to upgrade the DB to the latest. I’m using the internal database, but how do I apply the update?


you need to shutdown Openfire and then you can use the script in openfire/bin/embedded-db-viewer.sh (or .bat) to access your database. There you can execute every sql command of the script. And one may execute a “commit;” before closing the connection.