Using DB2 8.x (Express C). Some modifications to current documentation

Hi All

Some tips for putting Wildfire database information inside DB2 UDB 8.x (Express C version). Both DB2 and Wildfire installed on Linux Fedora Core, but on different servers (DB2->FC4, WildFire->FC5)

Also using the latest db2 jdbc jarfile and connection proprties not described in the documentation.

I installed Wildfire and wanted to put the information that Wildfire stores in a database to be placed into an existing DB2 database, thus getting for free the already existing backup setup for this environment.

OK, Here goes :

Running the script to create the DB2 tables had to be changed in three ways :

  1. Some index names had to be shortened since DB2 have a max size of 18 chars for indexnames.

jivePList_default_idx -> jivePList_def_idx

pubsubNodeGroups_idx -> pubsubNodeGrps_idx

  1. Some of the tables had columns with the keyword NULL only. These NULLs had to be removed.

Ex :

parent VARCHAR(100) NULL, -> parent VARCHAR(100),

  1. Due to limitations of combined length of columns that make up constraints/indexes, the following columns had to be changed :

Table : pubsubNodeJIDs

Field : jid VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, -> jid VARCHAR(810) NOT NULL,

Table pubsubAffiliation

Field : jid VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, -> jid VARCHAR(810) NOT NULL,

This will probably affect the system negatively on given situations where columns jid are supposed to store strings of size > 810, but so far the stup have worked fine.

I also wanted to use the latest release of the db2 jdbc bridge, avoiding installing the DB2 client software on the Wildfire server, and setting up the client configuration in order to reach the DB2 database on a different server.

So here’'s how i did that :

I copied these files from the DB2 server into the wildfire/lib folder :



The entries in the …/conf/wildfire.xml file is as follows :

Note that both the driver and the serverURL differs syntaxwise from the current documentation. The serverURL is on the form : jdbc:db2://host:port/databasename

I entered these values through the setupscreen (webinterface), and wildfire hooked up with the G1 database on the DB2 server, acessing the newly created tables, and I had a (so far) error free setup of Wildfire up and running.
