Using default wildfire database and using an external usertable, possible?


I am wondering if it’‘s possible to have the normal wildfire database go to a mysql database of your choice but have wildfire get the users from a different table in the database (VBulletin + Wildfire integration)? I’'ve tried the following in my wildfire.xml file but wildfire keeps reverting to HSQL:

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>



<!-- Disable either port by setting the value to -1 -->









<connectionString>jdbc:mysql://DOMAIN.COM/DATABASE?user=DBUSER&password=DB PASS</connectionString>




<className>org.jivesoftware.wildfire.auth.JDBCAuthProvider</className&g t;



<className>org.jivesoftware.wildfire.user.JDBCUserProvider</className&g t;




<passwordSQL>SELECT legacy_password FROM ibf_members WHERE mgroup!=’‘1’’ AND mgroup!=’‘2’’ AND mgroup!=’‘8’’ AND name=?</passwordSQL>




<loadUserSQL>SELECT members_display_name,email FROM ibf_members WHERE mgroup!=’‘1’’ AND mgroup!=’‘2’’ AND mgroup!=’‘8’’ AND name=?</loadUserSQL>

<userCountSQL>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibf_members WHERE mgroup!=’‘1’’ AND mgroup!=’‘2’’ AND mgroup!=’‘8’’</userCountSQL>

<allUsersSQL>SELECT name FROM ibf_members WHERE mgroup!=’‘1’’ AND mgroup!=’‘2’’ AND mgroup!=’‘8’’</allUsersSQL>

<searchSQL>SELECT name FROM ibf_members WHERE mgroup!=’‘1’’ AND mgroup!=’‘2’’ AND mgroup!=’‘8’’ AND</searchSQL>






<className>org.jivesoftware.database.EmbeddedConnectionProvider</classN ame>















Any help is appreciated.


as it is possible and I did not notice an issue with your file I wonder if you see errors when you startup Wildfire.


No errors come up in the logs when I start up wildfire. I even tried deleting the embedded-db folder and wildfire just re-generated the folder and script files when I started wildfire backup.


are you sure that you are using the right conf/wildfire.xml file?

Does “Wildfire Home” on http://server:9090/index.jsp matches your wildfire home?


Yep, it’‘s the right wildfire.xml file and I get the default wildfire homepage when I go to the administration page. Now that I know it can be done some way or another, it just baffles me why it’'s not actually doing it.


did you not restart Wildfire after modifying this file? It is read only during startup.


I restarted wildfire (several times actually) after modifying the file.

Well, I went ahead and changed the setup to false and just re-run the setup. Re-added the custom database strings and it is now working. The wildfire.xml file looks the same as before but as long as it’‘s working I’'m happy with it

Thanks for your help.