WebReg (advanced Webinterface - Plugin)

This is a highly customized version of the registration plugin from Ryan Graham. You can see the interface on jabber.rwth-aachen.de in action. The servlet is integrated via PHP-HttpClient, so the website is able to notice if the server/plugin is down an can show a nice and user friendly error message.


  • registration and activation (email authentication)

  • automatic creation of vCard (fullname and email)

  • a new user can chose if he wants to see a shared group ‘‘Jabber Admins’’ in his roster. (one way subscription)

  • ensure user is member of RWTH-Aachen university (has a *rwth-aachen.de email address)

  • ensure strong passwords (sends warning message if user sets a weak password via jabber-client, too)

  • exponential waiting time if entered wrong password

  • change password, lost password (email authentication)

  • invite users by email

  • simple statistics (count of registered and online users)

  • advanced graphical statistics (last 24h, last week, last month), using RRD4J-Library (LGPL Licence) and a background thread.

  • delete account

  • ban users from using webinterface (except account deletion)

  • GPL License

If someone wants to use this plugin he will have to customize it for his needs. Most strings/messages are GERMAN and partially specific for rwth-aachen university. Sourcecode comments and class/variable names are English.


  • Project site (German)

  • Sourcecode

  • Example how to integrate WebReg into your Webpage.

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