WebSocket stopped

Hello, I hope someone would help me with this issue

We were woirking OK with Openfire 4.0.0 and websocket.jar plugin 1.1.2, but for some reason the websocket plugin was updated to 1.1.3 and we sarted to have problems.

Openfire is failing when trying to start websocket. We started to notice an “stopped” status in the main page:

/ws —> o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@412e369d{/ws,null,null} [stopped]

This is the complete status list:

/http-bind —> o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@75638e6c{/http-bind,null,AVAILABLE}

/crossdomain.xml —> o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@6c92d932{/crossdomain.xml,null,AVAILABLE}

/http-bind —> o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@6680a035{/http-bind,null,AVAILABLE}

/crossdomain.xml —> o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@be2723{/crossdomain.xml,null,AVAILABLE}

/http-bind —> o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@5da4b9ae{/http-bind,null,AVAILABLE}

/crossdomain.xml —> o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@79926b81{/crossdomain.xml,null,AVAILABLE}

/ws —> o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@420945f7{/ws,null,null} [stopped]

We are trying to solve the issue with the 1.0.0 and 1.1.3 versions of the websocket.jar plugin, but the problem persist. BTW I couldn’t find where to download websocket.jar 1.1.2.

I hope anyone could help.

Thanks for your report. I will be taking a look at this in the next few days and will report back here with my findings.

Thanks for your reply!, hope you have any clue for the issue

Following up on this issue - there does not appear to be a version conflict for this combination of components. Can you check your log file(s) for any other ERROR or WARN level messages that might provide additional information? Specifically we would expect to see a message like “Failed to start websocket plugin” along with an exception identifying the root cause.

Thanks Tom, there is no error or warn referring to the plugin, however in the info log appears the next lines:

2016.08.18 22:49:37 org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginClassLoader - Unloading plugin JAR file /usr/share/openfire/plugins/websocket/lib/commons-pool2-2.3.jar

2016.08.18 22:49:37 org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginClassLoader - Unloading plugin JAR file /usr/share/openfire/plugins/websocket/lib/plugin-websocket.jar

2016.08.18 22:49:37 org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginClassLoader - Unloading plugin JAR file /usr/share/openfire/plugins/websocket/lib/websocket-lib.jar

2016.08.18 22:49:40 org.jivesoftware.openfire.websocket.WebSocketPlugin - Initializing websocket plugin

These 4 events appear multiple times, it seems that the plugin cannot be initialized.

Thanks Tom, as you said there is no conflict between versions, it seems that it was only an initialization problem, the plugin works fine right now.

Could you specify what kind of initialization problem you came across? Or what you did to solve it?

Trying to get the plugin (Version 1.1.3) working with an local OF-server installation (Version 4.0.3) and can’t find the reason on why we’re unable to get any client connected to the server via websocket. Stumbled across the same log entries as you described them.

Thanks in advance.