What updates Groups Summary page Admins column?

I’ve got Openfire linked to AD LDAP for user groups and authentication. The LDAP groups are listed on the Admin Console>Users/Groups>Groups Summary page. On that page the column Members reflects the correct count in the LDAP group. But, the Admins count is always zero. How is the Admins count calculated?

I belive the openfire.xml config file defines all things admin. it doesnt grab admin accounts from your LDAP

Thanks for the reply. I understand that the admins must be defined in the .xmi file and that the LDAP isn’t the definition of the admin accounts.

That wasn’t my question. I had hoped that someone very familiar with the Openfire code would let me know how the Admins count on the Group Summary admin console page is determined.

LDAP groups do not have admins. This applies to manually created groups.

jcamden wrote:
I had hoped that someone very familiar with the Openfire code would let me know how the Admins count on the Group Summary admin console page is determined.

This count is determined by users marked as admins. In every group settings you can check checkbox near the user (Admin column) and press Update button. Then Admin count in Group summary updates. But there is no additional functionality for this. I think this was designed long time ago for the role based administration system, but it’s not implemented.