What would you name Jive''s Developer Community?

Jive Software is planning to launch a developer community around some of our other products (Clearspace, Clearspace X and Jive Forums) later this summer, and we wanted to get some feedback on the name.

We’'ve narrowed it down to three names. The picture below has a few sketches with ideas for how we might use the name. What do you think?

  • Jive Foo: Fresh Code Served Daily

  • Jive Space Developer Community

  • Jive Code Monkeys

Click here for a larger image.

Hi Dawn,

I see little benefit in using a special name, “Jive’'s Developer Community” should be fine. One can still apply a (food, space or monkey) skin which gives the community a unique look. So if one speaks of this community he may still add “the one with the crazy apes”.

‘‘Jive Food (with a ‘‘d’’): Fresh Whatever Served Daily’’ sounds nice, not sure if one really wants to use it for a developer community. Aren’'t there some developers around which tend to eat too much already, and such a name may inspire them to keep the efforts in eating too much. So ‘‘Jive Swing’’ could be a better choice, reminds me of ‘‘Jive Bunny & the Mastermixers: Swing the Mood’’.

The space and the monkey pictures are ugly (no offense meant). With some nicer pictures ‘‘Space’’ should be fine:

But who should identify itself as a code monkey?


I do love the robots – they totally crack me up. LG: you make some good points.

I think “Code Monkey” is unsuitable for this community.

I associate the Mono community with this metaphor.