What's the relationship between ofConversation and ofMucRoom?

I’m trying to understand the relationships and concepts between ofMucRoom and ofConversation.

I couldn’t find any information from

Here are what I did.

  1. I created a room.
  2. I sent some messages.

And I found that ofConversation table has some records.

What is ofConversation table for?
What’s the relationship to the ofMucRoom?

There is a description of every field of ofMucRoom on that page. Which seems like that table stores room’s configuration. There is also ofMucConversationLog, which probably stores room’s history if it is enabled. I think ofConversation might be created by Monitoring Service plugin and stores all the chats. Might be wrong, but that would explain why it is not listed on that page as it is created by a plugin.

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