When i connect my android client with server i got different stanzas ... App not connect to Server

I got this type of reply from server .

C2S - RECV (1060291979): <stream:stream xmlns:stream=“http://etherx.jabber.org/streams” to=“” from="rajesh@" xmlns=“jabber:client” xml:lang=“en” version=“1.0”>

C2S - SENT (1060291979): x??_o?0 ?

? O???5?!s[L .S ?X? ]???,~?-&{?m?9??z??,?oPZT?)?? ?? ???v???<?Q?K? ??H}??(7?f???A ?'??@?Je?7h??}?K,) H??TUm?>L1?w1?? d???:???- s??- ???Dg? ?i ??+!? ???FI&??? a]???v4? ???i?q??G.?#??k???ha???v}E| ???/?7& ?O ?r?% _N?D$? dB P?K


Why i am getting this type of stanzas from server . I am using openfire 2.9.3.