When I in a mucroom chat, I be removed from the room has no reason

When I in a mucroom chat. Sometime I received a presence from server. Then I received a leave room presence.
The two presence is following:

connection log: level: 0, area: 131072, time:2018-01-30 17:08:51,
<presence type=‘unavailable’ from=‘37@openfire.shoulangsha.com/unity’ to=‘37@openfire.shoulangsha.com/unity’/>

connection log: level: 0, area: 131072, time:2018-01-30 17:08:52,
<presence to=‘37@openfire.shoulangsha.com/unity’ from=‘90022@conference.openfire.shoulangsha.com/{"nickname":"\u94B1\u5858\u6C5F\u7684\u732B","userid":"37","avatarurl":"htt://cdnlangren.51shousha.com/pifu/juese/langmeirennan_face.png","level":1}’ type=‘unavailable’><priority>0</priority><c xmlns=‘htt://jabber.org/protocol/caps’ hash=‘sha-1’ node=‘htt://camaya.net/gloox’ ver=‘1LpOuB49QCQE6BcZoAF5tBoALdg=’/><x xmlns=‘htt://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user’><item jid=‘37@openfire.shoulangsha.com/unity’ affiliation=‘none’ role=‘none’/><status code=‘110’/></x></presence>

http be discern to link. But I only can include two link. So I change all http to htt above.

Openfire Server Infomation:

Client is Gloox 1.0.19. More infomation see https://camaya.net/gloox/.

I ran into this exact issue earlier today. When a presence packet is sent by a client , having a presence type of unavailable, the user is removed from the room. It worked this way in both strophe.js and the smack client .

Our solution was to not change the presence type, but rather use the presence status.

Leaving the room when sending an “unavailable” presence is normal.