Where can I see the logs about content of conversation?

I’ve just put the openfire server with sql server in my dell server.

So, I made 3 users including admin user.

my openfire server is connected to sql server.

I tested conversation between users.

After ended conversation, I checked my sql server to find content of conversation of users.

But I didn’t any content of conversation.

Where can I see the content of conversation of users ?

To observe security policy, I need the log about content of conversation.

How can I find that ?

And I’d like to know one more thing that whether all of logs installed in openfire server are saved in local server(my dell server) or not.

Please answer for me and please show me your genius.

Thank you for reading my writing.

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You can either install Monitoring Service plugin or enabled Audit logs in Admin Console (audit logs are in xml format and not easy readable, though you can use this tool to read them Openfire Audit Log Reader ). All logs in both cases are stored on the local server.

Thank you for your answer.

Do you know where all logs are stored ?

If you use Monitoring Service the logs are stored in the database. If you use Audit, logs are in /openfire/logs

Thank you for your perfect solution.

I resolved this issue.