Where is the code being maintained?


I just went to check the diffs between my local Subversion copy of the code and the repot at http://svn.igniterealtime.org/svn/repos/smack.

There are no incoming changes, which seems odd to me as the code is being maintained, and I haven’t updated my copy of the code since before Christmas.

So, where is the latest code, if it is not at the repo link above, please?

Many thanks


I’m only aware of http://fisheye.igniterealtime.org/browse/smack

Maybe one of the offical dev’s could bring some light into this.

You aren’t seeing any updates since the most active development is for 3.2.2, which is happening on a branch.

You will see an update when that is merged into trunk, or other changes that are already occuring on trunk are committed.


If you recall, I wanted to work on a Maven build for Smack, and also to review the various issues that I raised.

I could do that against the branch, or wait until you commit to trunk. It depends on timing really. If you could give us a hint as to when trunk will have the 3.2.2 updates, then I can decide what to work on and when.



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No further development should be done on 3.2.2. It would be released already if there weren’t a few test cases failing

Once those are fixed, that branch will be effectively closed. I want new development to occur on trunk towards 3.3. I am not sure you should try the maven route yet though, I already have it pretty much mavenized in a workspace at home (from last year). Problem is that the current build actually includes the classes from some other jars as part of the deployment, which in a maven world should be a dependency. This is not a major issue, but in addition to that I have been thinking about some changes to the artifacts that are being produced. This is something that I would only want to do in a 4.0 release.

I have been putting off converting to Maven while I think about a road map for the future.

OK, I shall await the collapse into trunk and see what that looks like.

