Why this happened?

below is the content of warn.log

2005.06.02 23:07:52 Connection 0 had warnings: java.sql.SQLWarning: [SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Database changed to messenger

2005.06.02 23:07:52 Connection 1 had warnings: java.sql.SQLWarning: [SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Database changed to messenger

2005.06.02 23:07:52 Connection 2 had warnings: java.sql.SQLWarning: [SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Database changed to messenger

2005.06.02 23:07:52 Connection 3 had warnings: java.sql.SQLWarning: [SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Database changed to messenger

2005.06.02 23:07:52 Connection 4 had warnings: java.sql.SQLWarning: [SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Database changed to messenger

I wanna know why this happened and how to avoid this happen

I’'ve had this problem too…

Hi Semico,

Since all those warnings happened at the same time did something happen to your network connection or database at 2005.06.02 23:07:52?


Hey guys,

This is a normal message from the MS jdbc driver when the database that you are using for JM isn’‘t the default database for the sql server account you are using to access the database. Pretty much ignore it - it’'s completely harmless.


– Gato