Wildfire Connection Manager configuration


I kind of new with wildfire enviroment. But I do need to know how to configure the wildfire connection manager. I have manage to bring up wildfire and connect my spark client. I’'m using the open source.

lurus bendol

  1. Connect to your Wildfire Admin Console

  2. Under Server->Server Settings->Connection Managers click Enable, enter Password and Save

  3. You should see an entry when you do $> netstat -ln | grep 5262

  4. Edit conf/manager.xml in your Connection Manager installation directory, and enter the info that matches your Wildfire server at and .

  5. Start your Connection Manager and try to connect using your Jabber client to the host that hosts your connection manager.

The above setup should work if you run Connection Manager on a different host than Wildfire. Both of them are meant to run on separate hosts because both will be listening to ports 5222 and 5333.

However if you’‘re setting up a testing platform, you can run both on the same machine. Just make sure you change your Wildfire’'s client ports (SSL and non-SSL) to ports other than 5222 and 5333. The ports can be edited from Server->Server Manager->Server Settings->Edit Properties.

All references to 5333 should be changed to 5223. Sorry about the typo.


if you are really new to Wildfire than you may want to use Wildfire without a CM for a while to get used to it.

May I ask how many users do you have that you need a CM?



I’'m trying to use CM so I could connect to Wildfire using different protocol. So the CM act as a bridge to the wildfire.


Thanks for the help. The port is listening.


Lurus Bendol