Wildfire + Web Client

I’‘m trying to put together a demo of Wildfire with a web client. I’'ve installed wildfire 3.1.1 on windows and can chat using various windows jabber clients.

I’‘m looking at 2 different options, I’‘ve searched the forums but I can’'t seem to find a complete solution:

  1. Use wildfire 3.1.1 + JabberHttp and JWChat on tomcat. The problem with this is that I haven’'t seen any clear documentation on how to configure these

  2. Use wildfire 3.2 (the latest nightly) with HttpBind built in + JWChat on tomcat. The problem here is that I’'m not sure how to install the nightly build.

If anyone can point me to some info on this, I’‘d appreciate it. I’'m not set on using JWChat, it just seems to be the most popular web client.



Get wildfire_2007-01-09.zip and extract it to c:\tmp\ - there you should find now “wildfire_2007-01-09\bin\wildfire.bat” file to start Wildfire.

Don’'t run it on the server which runs now Wildfire as only one Wildfire instance can be running unless you reconfigure all used ports.

Wildfire is not tested with JWChat as Jivesoftware wants to offer (sell) its own client and this version contains still some bugs.


Thanks for your help.

I’'ve uninstalled wildfire 3.1.1, when I run the jan 9 nightly build I get:

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.UnSupportedClassVersionError bad version number in .class file

have you looked at this

It is a ajax web client based on smack.


In regards to Tomcat. IF you are running without mandatory SSL/TLS it works fine out of the box. install wildfire configure it, then install Tomcat and JWChat. If you are running strict secure communications you must setup (from what I have read) Apache and SSL communications for Tomcat to use. Do a search on Apache, JWchat, Tomcat in the parent to these forums. I know there is a document, as that is what I used to configure mine last June. It is a dated document, but you should be able to configure it correctly.

Hope that helps.



I used jwchat with the nightly wildfire build and it works nicely. My original problem with the nightly build was that I was using java 1.5, it requires 1.6

Could you give some details of how you got it working?


I have the problem with wild fire 311, jwchat 1.0.2, jaberhttpbind 1.0:

when I logged in after a while, it disconnect and show re-connect confirm dialog.

I debuged the log of wildfire, it said there’'s some error with some SSL classes

is there anyone faced this problem yet?

Message was edited by: tommyjure