XmmpClient for android


I am developing xmppclient for android. i am using smack API and open fire server.

I am getting login to server , but it is giving error for account creation.

I tried all possbible way. On e more how to create account using registration class from smack

plz anybody have solution reply me .

if anybody having sample XMPPClient for android reply me.



To register users with Openfire you will need to use a plugin called ‘User Service’.

Start Openfire and log into the administrative console. There, click on plugins. If you see nothing, click the link there to refresh the plugin list.

In the list that appears, you will see the ‘User Service’ plugin - click its installation link to get it working.

It comes with simple documentation that will do the job, but essentially the way it works is by offering you a special URL you can use to add, remove and update Openfire users.

You might just need to turn on in-band registration in Openfire – it’s disabled by default.



Hello Matt Tucker

Thank u for relpying me

The in-band registration is enabled by default in my console.

Is there any othere suggession for this problem.

thank u

Thank you @Yuval Zukerman

There is no plugin list , auto update in on , No new plugins available.

thank u

Server / Server Settings / Registration & Login