Yahoo login problem

Hi everyone

We have the openfire 3.6 running and the gateway plugin installed.

We have a code that login to every gateway

We log correcty to msn gmail the xmmp gateway, but we have problems with yahoo

it says “Yahoo! no reconocio el username que registraste. Por favor intenta el registro nuevamente con un nombre de usuario valido”

which means “Yahoo didnt recognize the username. Please register with another one”

the user and password are correctly.

Before sending the available presence to the transport , we delete the gateway entry and reregister in the openfire , after that send the presence available

any one can help us please?

thanks to all

in other thread i read something aboun GATE-390 …

we have to update the jar of the plugin ?

we are using openfire 3.6 and gateway 1.2.4d