1.0 Beta 5a - How to register a transport & login? want an application flow

that is …

log into wildfire with wildfire account

following is for all transports

  1. at this point does the wildfire server automatically sign in all the transports ? i have seen that sometimes it does and sometimes it doesnt

  2. if if does how to stop it from doing so.

  3. it it doesnt then its good cuz then the user can chose to automate the login … this can be done by the client and the server should not worry about this.

  4. now the login problem comes … cuz i never know if the credentials were ok … sometimes i got the message from yahoo saying that the password was bad sometimes … it just returns an empty roster …

am i doing something wrong …

could somebody tell me what stanzas i need to send … and in what order so that I see the behavior expected … cuz i am confused

Transports work by detecting you are logging in just like anyone else on your contact list. In other words, they are in your roster, so they “hear” you connect via standard presence stanzas and, upon seeing said stanza, log you in to the legacy service if you aren’'t already. If you go invisible in XMPP land, then you are also invisible to the transport, so you will be logged off.

  1. if if does how to stop it from doing so.

There isn’‘t a good answer to that yet. Transports typically operate on an assumption that you want to log in. The concept of not automatically logging in is a new one we are working on. You’‘ll note in the changelogs and such that there is mention of special circumstances for Spark. The next release of Spark, I think it’‘s 2.0.6?, will have the ability to register you without the transports in your roster. Then it you will be provided with buttons to choose whether to log in or not automatically. This is all handled via directed presence to the transports. Theoretically you should take the transports out of your roster and just send a directed presence to the transport in question when you wanted to log in, but you have to remember to keep sending it every time you want to change your status or else your availability status won’'t be reflected in legacy services.

  1. it it doesnt then its good cuz then the user can chose to automate the login … this can be done by the client and the server should not worry about this.

See 2. Basically we are working on a concept that if it pans out we’'ll submit as an XEP so that maybe others will adopt it.

  1. now the login problem comes … cuz i never know if the credentials were ok … sometimes i got the message from yahoo saying that the password was bad sometimes … it just returns an empty roster …

Sometimes? That’‘s not good. It’‘s possible that’‘s just a problem with the Yahoo library I’'m using.


schandra wrote:

am i doing something wrong …

could somebody tell me what stanzas i need to send … and in what order so that I see the behavior expected … cuz i am confused

that is …

log into wildfire with wildfire account

following is for all transports

  1. at this point does the wildfire server automatically sign in all the transports ? i have seen that sometimes it does and sometimes it doesnt

hi Daniel …

it is not deterministic … which is what is confusing me … cuz sometimes i got the bad username password error and sometimes I did not …