2.2.1 Group Name not showing

Hello all,

I installed a fresh copy of JM (2.2.1) this morning. I imported my users and then recreated my groups since I didn’'t want to use old embedded-db.

When I start up my client, the group people no longer show as being in groups. I see them as online but they don’'t show up in the group names.

Is this something I might have messed up or is anyone else noticing this?


Hey wimnms,

Was this a problem during the import? Were you using the import/export users plugin? Could you check if the group has a display name in the admin console?


– Gato

Was this a problem during the import? Were you using the import/export users plugin? >>Could you check if the group has a display name in the admin console?

I started with doing an export of my users from my older version. I then installed the NEW 2.2.1 version. I then imported that exported list. Then I manually created groups (wish I had a group import/export ) and stuck people in them.

Yes, there is a name for Display name for each group.

which client?

Yo wroot!

It’'s Miranda with the jabber plugin.

I will tell you that all my users that use Miranda have the problem and BEFORE we all saw groups. So it’'s not like they never saw groups


Using Exodus all the groups come up correctly.

Using Miranda (my version which I update a lot) or Miranda (from someone who has never updated it) doesn’'t show groups anymore…

I don’'t feel like scratching my head anymore on this so gonna just let this die out

I’‘m marking it as answered although I’'m still not sure what happened with Miranda roster/grouping…

wow 5 points ! I’'ll have to post more in MnMs threads Yes, i in luv with groups too :stuck_out_tongue: