The first Ignite Realtime Foundation (IRF) virtual board meeting was held at 18 UTC 23 May 2017 via video conferencing service.
Attendance (5 out of 5 members present):
- Guus der Kinderen
- Matt Tucker
- Benjamin Sherman
- Daryl Herzmann
- Dave Cridland
- daryl will be secretary of the board and take notes going forward.
- Guus was successful in creating the foundation, we exist now! Well, currently just Guus exists within the foundation. The foundation is registered in the Netherlands and tax office confirmation exists that the foundation need not pay corporate, sales, nor wage tax.
- ACTION Remaining members need to send Guus scanned documents confirming identity and address of residence. Guus can then ferry these to the appropriate office and new members can be added to the board.
- **ACTION **daryl will create a shared space somewhere for board members to share files/documents.
- ACTION Guus will look into if the tax office can translate documents into English
- Discussion was had about getting funding lined up to handle the modest needs the board currently has in mind. Matt suggested that with a bank account, it is good to get corporate sponsors established at some monthly/yearly funding level so to provide a budget. ** ACTION** Guus and Dave will look into bank account establishment options. Matt noted that these groups will want to either write a check to the foundation or setup a wire transfer.
- ACTION The board will take up a collection amongst ourselves to help defer some initial small costs.
- The .com and .org igniterealtime DNS registrations exist with Jive IT yet. ACTION Benjamin is efforting getting those moved to our AWS route53 account.
- ACTION Matt will work some ideas and sources with how easiest to transfer/license the Openfire trademark to our foundation.
- Discussion was had about our current community platform generously hosted by Jive Software and what the future holds with the impending acquisition of Jive. No decisions were made, but the general consensus was to investigate alternatives and make some test mocks of data migration.
- Discussion was made about purchasing liability insurance for the board. No decision was made and this topic will be discussed further once some modest funds were available to purchase said insurance. ACTION Guus will look into more firm costs / coverage levels.
- Discussion about when to have the next meeting, August 22nd at 18 UTC was picked.
notes by daryl herzmann