A Bug about get Members and admins from a room

I send a xml element to the room

<iq type="get" to="6ace0fd2f59f13c2484336dd06b4462a@bizmanager.msz006" id="getRoomMemberList">
<query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin">
<item affiliation="member"/>
<item affiliation="owner"/>
<item affiliation="admin"/>

but the openfire return items is only the admins. when i moved the owner at the last,openfire return the owner only.

My openfire version is 3.8.2,and the same as 3.9.1.

At last i found that in the class: openfire.muc.spi.IQAdminHandler,function: handleItemsElement(MUCRole senderRole, List itemsList, IQ reply), while handle the itemslist by the " for (Object anItem : itemsList)",reset the query child every time.

So i move code " Element result = reply.setChildElement(“query”, “http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin”); " before " for (Object anItem : itemsList)" and fix the problem.

XEP-0045 is not very clear on that (requesting different affiliations in one request), but it’s not fobidden either and I think it makes sense.

Maybe you can provide a patch? Or post the relevant code snippet?

The original code snippet:

private void handleItemsElement(MUCRole senderRole, List itemsList, IQ reply)

throws ForbiddenException, ConflictException, NotAllowedException, CannotBeInvitedException {

Element item;

String affiliation;

String roleAttribute;

boolean hasJID = itemsList.get(0).attributeValue(“jid”) != null;

boolean hasNick = itemsList.get(0).attributeValue(“nick”) != null;

// Check if the client is requesting or changing the list of moderators/members/etc.

if (!hasJID && !hasNick) {

// The client is requesting the list of moderators/members/participants/outcasts

for (Object anItem : itemsList) {

item = (Element) anItem;

affiliation = item.attributeValue(“affiliation”);

roleAttribute = item.attributeValue(“role”);

// Create the result that will hold an item for each

// moderator/member/participant/outcast

** Element result = reply.setChildElement(“query”, “http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin”);**


Element metaData;

if (“outcast”.equals(affiliation)) {

// The client is requesting the list of outcasts

if (MUCRole.Affiliation.admin != senderRole.getAffiliation()

&& MUCRole.Affiliation.owner != senderRole.getAffiliation()) {

throw new ForbiddenException();


for (JID jid : room.getOutcasts()) {

                    metaData = result.addElement("item", "[http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin](http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin)");

metaData.addAttribute(“affiliation”, “outcast”);

metaData.addAttribute(“jid”, jid.toString());


} else if (“member”.equals(affiliation)) {

// The client is requesting the list of members

// In a members-only room members can get the list of members

if (!room.isMembersOnly()

&& MUCRole.Affiliation.admin != senderRole.getAffiliation()

&& MUCRole.Affiliation.owner != senderRole.getAffiliation()) {

throw new ForbiddenException();


for (JID jid : room.getMembers()) {

                    metaData = result.addElement("item", "[http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin](http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin)");

metaData.addAttribute(“affiliation”, “member”);

metaData.addAttribute(“jid”, jid.toString());

try {

List roles = room.getOccupantsByBareJID(jid);

MUCRole role = roles.get(0);

metaData.addAttribute(“role”, role.getRole().toString());

metaData.addAttribute(“nick”, role.getNickname());


catch (UserNotFoundException e) {

// Do nothing



} else if (“moderator”.equals(roleAttribute)) {

// The client is requesting the list of moderators

if (MUCRole.Affiliation.admin != senderRole.getAffiliation()

&& MUCRole.Affiliation.owner != senderRole.getAffiliation()) {

throw new ForbiddenException();


for (MUCRole role : room.getModerators()) {

                    metaData = result.addElement("item", "[http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin](http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin)");

metaData.addAttribute(“role”, “moderator”);

metaData.addAttribute(“jid”, role.getUserAddress().toString());

metaData.addAttribute(“nick”, role.getNickname());

metaData.addAttribute(“affiliation”, role.getAffiliation().toString());


} else if (“participant”.equals(roleAttribute)) {

// The client is requesting the list of participants

if (MUCRole.Role.moderator != senderRole.getRole()) {

throw new ForbiddenException();


for (MUCRole role : room.getParticipants()) {

                    metaData = result.addElement("item", "[http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin](http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin)");

metaData.addAttribute(“role”, “participant”);

metaData.addAttribute(“jid”, role.getUserAddress().toString());

metaData.addAttribute(“nick”, role.getNickname());

metaData.addAttribute(“affiliation”, role.getAffiliation().toString());


} else if (“owner”.equals(affiliation)) {

// The client is requesting the list of owners

Element ownerMetaData;

MUCRole role;

for (JID jid : room.getOwners()) {

                    ownerMetaData = result.addElement("item", "[http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin](http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin)");

ownerMetaData.addAttribute(“affiliation”, “owner”);

ownerMetaData.addAttribute(“jid”, jid.toBareJID());

// Add role and nick to the metadata if the user is in the room

try {

List roles = room.getOccupantsByBareJID(jid);

role = roles.get(0);

ownerMetaData.addAttribute(“role”, role.getRole().toString());

ownerMetaData.addAttribute(“nick”, role.getNickname());


catch (UserNotFoundException e) {

// Do nothing



} else if (“admin”.equals(affiliation)) {

// The client is requesting the list of admins

Element adminMetaData;

MUCRole role;

for (JID jid : room.getAdmins()) {

                    adminMetaData = result.addElement("item", "[http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin](http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin)");

adminMetaData.addAttribute(“affiliation”, “admin”);

adminMetaData.addAttribute(“jid”, jid.toBareJID());

// Add role and nick to the metadata if the user is in the room

try {

List roles = room.getOccupantsByBareJID(jid);

role = roles.get(0);

adminMetaData.addAttribute(“role”, role.getRole().toString());

adminMetaData.addAttribute(“nick”, role.getNickname());


catch (UserNotFoundException e) {

// Do nothing



} else {





else {

// The client is modifying the list of moderators/members/participants/outcasts

JID jid;

String nick;

String target;

boolean hasAffiliation = itemsList.get(0).attributeValue(“affiliation”) !=


// Keep a registry of the updated presences

List presences = new ArrayList(itemsList.size());

// Collect the new affiliations or roles for the specified jids

for (Object anItem : itemsList) {

try {

item = (Element) anItem;

target = (hasAffiliation ? item.attributeValue(“affiliation”) : item


// jid could be of the form “full JID” or “bare JID” depending if we are

// going to change a role or an affiliation

if (hasJID) {

jid = new JID(item.attributeValue(“jid”));

nick = null;

} else {

// Get the JID based on the requested nick

nick = item.attributeValue(“nick”);

jid = room.getOccupant(nick).getUserAddress();


if (“moderator”.equals(target)) {

// Add the user as a moderator of the room based on the full JID

presences.add(room.addModerator(jid, senderRole));

} else if (“owner”.equals(target)) {

presences.addAll(room.addOwner(jid, senderRole));

} else if (“admin”.equals(target)) {

presences.addAll(room.addAdmin(jid, senderRole));

} else if (“participant”.equals(target)) {

// Add the user as a participant of the room based on the full JID




} else if (“visitor”.equals(target)) {

// Add the user as a visitor of the room based on the full JID

presences.add(room.addVisitor(jid, senderRole));

} else if (“member”.equals(target)) {

// Add the user as a member of the room based on the bare JID

boolean hadAffiliation = room.getAffiliation(jid) != MUCRole.Affiliation.none;

presences.addAll(room.addMember(jid, nick, senderRole));

// If the user had an affiliation don’t send an invitation. Otherwise

// send an invitation if the room is members-only and skipping invites

// are not disabled system-wide xmpp.muc.skipInvite

if (!skipInvite && !hadAffiliation && room.isMembersOnly()) {

room.sendInvitation(jid, null, senderRole, null);


} else if (“outcast”.equals(target)) {

// Add the user as an outcast of the room based on the bare JID

presences.addAll(room.addOutcast(jid, item.elementTextTrim(“reason”), senderRole));

} else if (“none”.equals(target)) {

if (hasAffiliation) {

// Set that this jid has a NONE affiliation based on the bare JID

presences.addAll(room.addNone(jid, senderRole));

} else {

// Kick the user from the room

if (MUCRole.Role.moderator != senderRole.getRole()) {

throw new ForbiddenException();


presences.add(room.kickOccupant(jid, senderRole.getUserAddress(),



} else {




catch (UserNotFoundException e) {

// Do nothing



// Send the updated presences to the room occupants

for (Presence presence : presences) {





****and after patch

if (!hasJID && !hasNick) {

// The client is requesting the list of moderators/members/participants/outcasts

** Element result = reply.setChildElement(“query”, “http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin”);**

for (Object anItem : itemsList) {

item = (Element) anItem;

affiliation = item.attributeValue(“affiliation”);

roleAttribute = item.attributeValue(“role”);

// Create the result that will hold an item for each

// moderator/member/participant/outcast

Element metaData;

Thanks. Tracked in OF-805.