Able to re-create packet storm in OpenFire 3.5.1 via Exodus client

We had another packet storm this morning. I enabled message audit logging for Presence and IQ packets for a brief time. See attached file. We found the system was in a loop repeatedly sending a subscription request and acceptance packets between two users. The original requestor was using the Exodus client and the subscribee was using Spark. By dropping the Exodus user the storm stopped. We were able to recreate the problem from another Exodus user to a Spark subscribee. I again enabled messaage audit logging for a brief time. The log confirms we re-created the problem. Again by dropping the Exodus user the storm stopped.
jive.audit-20081124-000.log (7645147 Bytes)

The question is, is it a client issue or a server issue. I would say upgrade to openfire 3.5.2 or 3.6.2 and try again. Or upgrade exodus.

We did a successful upgrade to 3.6.2 over the past weekend and continues to run well. When we tested with the Exodus client verison 0.10.0 we again recreated the packet storm problem. We then tried Exodus client version 0.9.10 and no packet storms occurred. It would appear that the problem is primarily an Exodus version 0.10.0 problem.