After I add file “openfired.vmoptions” which content is “-Xms512m -Xmx1024m” to openfire_home/bin dir,
the openfire can not start,
err msg is:
The JVM could not be started. The main method may have thrown an exception.
Invalid initial heap size: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
I think my operation is following the desc in the openfire web site page.
How to resolve this problem? tks
win server 2003
I had that issue, when i changed to run openfire as a service and added
-XmS 1024
in a openfire-service.vmoptions file is worked a treat.
i kept the openfired file there too with the same data as above in there (including the -X… being on different lines)
not sure… it does seem to work just has to be done in a certain way … give it a go with the sizes on different rather than the same one, as it effectivly is 2 commands one to set the minimum and one to set the maximum.
my args is -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
but it does not work.
but are on the same line it seems from the pic on the other post about this… what i mean is in the option file have it set out like this
this is how i have it in mine and it works.
At the very start,I do in your way,
but it does not work.
and just now I try again,
it does not work too,err is same.
Actually,I have try other way to use -X… args.
Rebuild the openfire src,and edit the openfire_home/bin/openfire.bat file,
as follow:
if “%1” == “-debug” goto debug
start “Openfire” “%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java” -server -DopenfireHome="%OPENFIRE_HOME%" -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -jar …\lib\startup.jar
goto end
when I run openfire.bat ,openfire server works.
Whatever,this issue is existing issue.