About muc

As you know,muc is used by openfire to support group chat.But I have a request for group chat,that is the member will not leave the group except he do it explicitly.The group allow offline members.And any message sent to the group will dispatch to every member,even it is offline[just like offline message between two entity.]

So I want to know is could I implement this type of group using muc if I do not make a leave room iq to the server?And does muc will send offline message?

Nobody knows?

I have check the implement of muc.And I found the muc internal have task to mantain the members(like clearing of idle chat users).

That would not suit for the group chat mentioned above.So maybe I should implement it myself?

I think I could copy muc source as base.And just change them for my purpose.

Anybody could give me some suggestion for the implement.

Thanks in advance.