Access to separate tab in admin console on administrator's login


I’m newbie in openfire plugin’s development. I have to write filter similar to AuthCheckFilter that is already exists in openfire pakage. The filter has to identificate admin ( there are admins that has limited access to admin console in our server) by login that may access only one tab in the console and only specific permitted for him data in that tab and display for him only that specific allowed tab and data.

It is such a “system” that in response to input login will display different admin console’s tabs with different allowed to view and edit data.

I have a plugin. In the plugin i’ve already made filter class that proccess data that in request response. A question is how to make admin console that will consists of only one tab for specific admin or of all standard tabs for the others?

Have I to change plugin.xml file and if yes what I have to write in <Admin console entries> part so as to display only different tabs for different logged in admins? Or should I write new separate jsp pages for my different-tabbed admin console ?

How to integrate sitemesh concept with the filter?

Thanks in advance.

I think the easiest way is to write your own admin console page and exclude it in AuthCheckFilter. Then include a mechanism (e.g. Cookie, …) in your page, that allows only access to the users you want.

How to integrate sitemesh concept with the filter?

You could use the CSS files and so on to match the look and feel.