Add support for storing message notifications to offline users for new pubsub items


sorry, I’m new here in the forum and I have a question concerning opening issues for the openfire server. First, how do I open those?

Second, would that be feasible if I open an issue for the feature which stores notifications for pubsub items which are published to a node a particular offline user is subscribed to. And when he comes online he then receives the notifications about those new items?

Although I haven’t tried this, I believe this should already work if offline storage is configured. Messages are published already to offline users unless the node is configured otherwise.

This property **pubsub#presence_based_delivery **(of a node) determines whether messages should only be delivered to online users, setting it to false should do what you want.

I tried this one, but I think the server does not store the message maybe because the “notification_type” is “headline” and not “message” as standard configuration.

How can I change the "notification_type to “message” in openfire. I don’t see this configuration variable for pubsub nodes, but in XEP-0060 it is there:

I found the hint with the “notification_type” variable for ejabberd which implements this variable for pubsub nodes: