Adding Enhanced Debugger to view packet level information for Smack android based XMPP client

On the basis of smack debugging document (

we can show all the packet level information in logcat or in system console.

For console logs:

 System.setProperty("smack.debuggerClass", "org.jivesoftware.smack.debugger.ConsoleDebugger")
 System.setProperty("smack.debugEnabled", "true")

For Android Logcat:

SmackConfiguration.DEBUG = true

However, as per the doc, it provides GUI debugger viz
Lite Debugger and Enhanced Debugger

Viewing multiple unorganized XMPP logs aren’t readable at all. It will be however convenient to read via a GUI Debugger like the enhanced debugger.

I am using Ubuntu (Linux OS) and Android Studio for the development.

How can we add GUI debugger for debugging for building an android client?


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