Advanced searches in Spark 2.0.0

I just downloaded the beta 2.0 Spark. Testing the features wanted to tdo the advanced search featuer for it. I put a * in the search for other people box which poped the advanced feature search. I go in to search the dir, but it returns nothing for either offline or online people. Using Psi on the same machine at the same time, I can search the advanced search without any issues bringing up every Jeff* there is. Any idea what might be causing this?


Not really resolved, but no reply short of the garbage the spam master was posting.

That’‘s a great question Jeff. I’‘ll look into why that isn’'t working and fix it asap.

Track the issue with SPARK-368



Hi Jeff,

I’'m not able to reproduce this in the latest build (2.0.1). Could you verify on your end again please.

