Advice on using Groups or OU?

I currently have Wildfire reading users from AD, however it reads in everyone, including groups, computers, network shares…lol

Now my Active Directory tree is not complicated in anyway, Users are all located in the ‘‘User’’ container. My problem is that I have tried so many different settings of filtering users, but all I seem to accomplish is making it so I cannot login.

Could anyone help me out? All I want to accomplish is:

  1. Have all the users be populated in the contact lists (Shared Group I believe is the term)

  2. Only have users of a specific group. IE I will make a IMUsers group then add each users as a memeber.

Therefore only people in the IMUsers Group will be able to log in and they will be able to see all other people in this group in the IM Client?

I find this LDAP stuff really comfusion, or it works in odd ways in windows

I currently have Wildfire reading users from AD,

however it reads in everyone, including groups,

computers, network shares…lol








Well the reason you see everything in your wildfire server as users is because you have pointed the ldap browser to the base of your AD tree. It is searching the entire tree and displaying everything that has a value in the sAMAccountName field, which by the way is a required field.

SO, how do you fix it?

For your baseDN you should have something like cn=Users,dc=bercell,dc=local

This will only list all the contents of your Users OU. If all you want to see is your actual users and not all the built-in crap you should move the users that you want jabber enabled to a custom OU. For example create an OU called Jabber move those User and Group objects that you want wildfire to see into this OU. Then change your baseDN to OU=Jabber,dc=bercell,dc=local (this DN is taking into account that the jabber ou is a child object to the base of the directory.
